Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Recently, i've been dealing with a lot of struggles in dance, and yesterday, I finally snapped. I was at the lowest of lows and felt terrible. I knew I needed to ask God for advice and when I did my devotions that night, I came across this passage. 1 Peter 2:19-25. I had to read it a few times to understand what it was really saying, but I felt like it applied in my situation because it is talking about how with God we can stand up under oppression. Still, I know there is more to the verses that I am trying to figure out, so if you read it and have any thoughts, please comment and let me know what you think!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Hey there! Have you ever felt so stressed that you feel like you're about to explode! Well, let's just say that I have been there many times. I know everyone has. In fact, it's the reason I haven't written any blogs in a while (: Sometimes, we all just need a 5 minute cat nap, or in most cases, a prayer! Prayer is SOOO important in our lives as Christians, and it is something I have thought about a lot. Sometimes, I get carried away with the stress of life and don't realize how important my quiet time with God is! And many times when I do talk to God, I forget something very crucial: LISTEN TO WHAT GOD HAS TO SAY TO YOU. I find myself venting all my worries upon Him, but instead of waiting for a reply, I hop right back into the middle of the stress. God wants to hear us, but He also wants us to hear Him. And I know for sure that whatever my Creator has to say, it's important. (:

I'll work on finding a verse to go with this to keep in mind (: